Friday, February 6, 2015

Creatures and Electricity

Yesterday we experienced our first time being "load-shed" two times during one day. It goes out for about two hours at a time. It was out when I left work. Without power, I had no choice but to relax on the beach for a couple of hours ;).  After the beach, I was about ten minutes into an episode of Orange is the New Black, when the power went out (John gave us external hard drives full of tv series and movies). Those two hours were over dinner and getting ready for bed. I ate a wrap that i neglected for lunch, and Emily and I drank wine by candlelight before bed. Then, when our power came back on, John's went out. So he came over and we talked about our practicums and weekend plans. We now have our candlesticks and matches ready!  Also, the other morning I got to see the creature in the picture roaming through our yard. He got scared and ran across the street before I got a picture. He/She is a mongoose. Emily and I want one for the house because they eat mice, rats, and GECKOS! 

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