Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Thursday, April 2nd
We left Cape Town early on Thursday Morning.  We headed straight for Hermanus.  It was only about a two hour drive, so we got to Hermanus rather early.  We stopped at the hostel, Hermanus Backpackers, and then went for a drive.  We drove through the town and found a little cafĂ© on the beach to enjoy some hot chocolate.  We walked the beach until it started to sprinkle.  We decided to head back towards the hostel.  We stopped in the town center to shop at the local markets and stores.  I found this funky little shop that I could have spent loads of money in.  I ended buying some things from them, but definitely not as much as I could have!  I went for broke for the second day in the row.  We went back to hostel to relax before dinner.  After going out for dinner, we returned to the hostel.  We knew we had an early morning the next day. I stayed up and played games with a ten year old who was staying with her family at the hostel.  She is from Cape Town and LOVED One Direction.  I heard all about the heartbreaking split of one of the members leaving the band.  I had a great time at Hermanus Backpackers, especially when I got to play with their two cats and one dog.  It was a charming place that I wish I could have had more time at.

Friday, April 3rd
We had an extremely early morning on Friday.  We had to be in GaansBaai by 7 a.m. and we were about an hour away.  When we got there, early of course, no one was there.  There were a handful of cage shark diving shops all next to each other, and the place we were going was the only one not open quite yet.  Within about ten minutes someone was there to open up.  They fed us a breakfast as the entire group slowly arrived.  They take up to 25 people out each time.  We signed our lives away and waited for the last of the group to come.  We then loaded the boat, and got ready to head out!  It was very surreal as to what we were about to do.  On the boat, they handed out the wet suits.  Chris and I were the first two in the cage.  They put five people in at a time.  The cage is about six or so feet tall.  Most of the cage is underwater, but about one foot or less is left above.  As the tide rocks the boat, the amount of the cage above water, or lack there of, varies.  It was not diving or even snorkeling.  You just hold your breath as you go under water.  I managed to only swallow the ocean water once on the whole excursion.  While we were in the cage the first time, one of the other girls in the cage kept throwing up from sea sickness.  This caused no sharks to come towards the boat.  We did however see some dolphins swim past.  We got out of the cage and sure enough, the sharks came!  I jumped right back in the cage.  I was fumbling with my goggles like crazy.  The sharks would swim right next to the cage.  The water clarity was poor, but they would get close enough that it did not matter.  My emotions were a mess of adrenaline and fear.  I went down one last time, and it was the best time.  The last shark that we saw was fighting to get the bait.  He struggled to pull the whole rope down right in front of the cage.  I do not know how the shark managed not to hit the cage.  Everyone in the cage was screaming.  We were terrifies and excited all at once.  It was the perfect way to end the adventure.  Once on shore we ate lunch and then headed back on the road for the last stop of our road trip journey. 

This picture is self-explanatory.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Robbins Island

Wednesday, April 1st

On Wednesday, I went to Robbins Island.  The boat left early in the morning from the waterfront in Cape Town.  The ride to the island was chilly but very beautiful.  I saw some penguins and seals swimming on the way there.  Also, right as we approached the island, we came across a large whale.  We had to stop the boat and wait for the whale to pass before we could continue.  I only saw the top of part of the whale, but it was definitely bigger than the boat I was on!  After arriving at the island, the group was guided through the prison by a former prisoner.  He shared his stories and some history about the prison.  He guided us through part of the prison and showed us Nelson Mandela’s former cell.  There was then a bus tour around the island.  The houses and school for the prison guards and their families.  We went to one point on the island where you could see perfectly Cape Town and Table Mountain.  It was amazing.  After returning from Robins Island, I FINALLY had a decent bloody mary at a pub on the water front. After lunch, since it was our last day in Cape Town, we wondered around Green Market Square and Long Street.  We had walked around already, but I hadn't bought anything.  It was very nice, because our hotel was right next to the market.  I could wander around all afternoon until they started closing down their shops.  It was a perfect way to end the Cape Town portion of the trip.

This is a picture looking towards Cape Town from Robbin Island. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Tuesday, March 31st

I started the day attempting to go to Robbins Island.  It was an epic fail.  Apparently Robbins Island sells out the day before.  I purchased tickets for the next day and changed our plans.  We did an impromptu drive to the Simons Town and the Cape of Good Hope.  The drive to Simons Town proved excruciating.  I thought construction in the United States was bad.  South Africa road construction never actually ends.  We finally made it to Simons Town.  They have a board walk built to walk around the area with the penguins.  They have built nests for the penguins, and the penguins still build some of their own nests.  It was amazing to see the penguins in their natural environment.  Some were on the shore and hidden in the bushes.  Others were going in and out of the water.  I even saw one recently hatched baby.  The penguin would not let the baby out very far, so I never got a good picture, but the baby was so tiny and fluffy.  It was great to see how they naturally are, not in a zoo.  I could have stayed there all day and just watched the penguins.  Unfortunately, we had to leave to get to the Cape of Good Hope. We hiked up to the cape lighthouse.  The views were spectacular.  The ocean was very clear along the cape’s coastline.  I hiked for a short while around the cape.  Then I enjoyed a nice late lunch overlooking the cape.  The views are spectacular at the cape.  We even saw more baboons at the cape.  We then drove back to the city to call it a day.

If you look carefully you will see the baby. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Monkeys and Mountains

Monday, March 30th

Still in Cape Town, we joined the hop-on/hop-off bus tour again.  This time we took the bus to World of Birds Wildlife Sanctuary and Monkey Park.  We spent all morning walking around and looking at all of the various birds and monkeys.  It was so fun to see all of the different birds and other animals interacting with each other.  Some were sectioned off to certain areas, while others you could find in almost every room.  The owls would even situate themselves right by the door like they purposely wanted to give everyone a good scare as they walked in/out of the rooms.  We even went into one area where you can sit down and let the monkeys climb on you.  There was an older lady who had been volunteering at the park for over 20 years.  She said when she first started, the monkeys were in a smaller cage.  Now, they have an entire room to climb around freely.  She goes in everyday and makes sure people do not hold the monkeys.  She gets to let monkeys climb on her all day long.  I think I have never been more jealous of somebody in my entire life.  We then had some great fish at the marina for lunch.  After, we returned to the hotel and made our way to Table Mountain.  We spent the entire afternoon walking around the top of the mountain.  The views were spectacular.  We strategically planned on going in the afternoon to catch the sunset.  The sunset was very beautiful from the mountain.  After it got dark, we drove back to the hotel.  

This is a picture from the top of Table Mountain. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Wine fixes everything

Sunday, March 29th

While still sick from drinking the bad Mossel Bay water, Chris and I decided to do the 'hop-on hop-off'bus tour of Cape Town. Big surprise: we hopped off at the Constantia wine route. We first went to the Groot Constantia wine estate. We did a wine tasting of five wines each, including the award winning chardonnay. We then followed the wine by the winery tour. They showed us part of the estate and the process of making wine. They talked about the differences between red and white wine. The guide even showed and explained the process of making corks. After spending a number of hours there, we went to Eagles' Nest. We enjoyed some more wine tasting and had a snack platter. After we finished at Eagles' Nest, we hopped back on the bus. By the time we had finished at both wineries, it was time to head back to the hotel. Even though we did not accomplish much, we had fun at the wineries, obviously.

This picture is from the sign at Eagles' Nest Winery. Much truth.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


I disregarded my blog over the holiday. However, I will begin a week (or so) of some recaps. To begin I will talk about my skydive again. 

On Saturday, March 28th, I went skydiving. It was through Tandem Skydive Mossel Bay. I jumped out of the tiniest plane from 10,000 ft. This plane could literally only hold four people and the driver. And that's with us packed together on the floor, and no door. I repeat, there was no door on the plane. We took about a 15 minute plane ride over Mossel Bay. This is one of the most amazing things to do. You could see the mountains, the country side, the city, the ocean. It was breathtaking. I was glad there was no door. I could see everything so clearly. We were above the few clouds that were out. It was unbelievable. Then, I did what I never thought I would ever do, I jumped out (more like fell out) of the plane. We did two or three summer saults during our free fall. I felt like my skin was sliding off my face. Even though I didn't scream the entire time, the wind was so strong that I couldn't close my mouth. Then, once the parachute deployed, I got to help control the chute. We glided over mossel bay for awhile before landing. Skydiving was definitely one of the most exhilarating and CRAZY things I have ever done! 

This picture is shortly before the parachute opened, ending the free fall. Incase I needed any help with my insecurity over my huge earlobes, this picture confirms that my ears do in fact hang low, wobble to and fro, I could tie them in a knot, and I could tie them in a bow.