Thursday, April 16, 2015

Robbins Island

Wednesday, April 1st

On Wednesday, I went to Robbins Island.  The boat left early in the morning from the waterfront in Cape Town.  The ride to the island was chilly but very beautiful.  I saw some penguins and seals swimming on the way there.  Also, right as we approached the island, we came across a large whale.  We had to stop the boat and wait for the whale to pass before we could continue.  I only saw the top of part of the whale, but it was definitely bigger than the boat I was on!  After arriving at the island, the group was guided through the prison by a former prisoner.  He shared his stories and some history about the prison.  He guided us through part of the prison and showed us Nelson Mandela’s former cell.  There was then a bus tour around the island.  The houses and school for the prison guards and their families.  We went to one point on the island where you could see perfectly Cape Town and Table Mountain.  It was amazing.  After returning from Robins Island, I FINALLY had a decent bloody mary at a pub on the water front. After lunch, since it was our last day in Cape Town, we wondered around Green Market Square and Long Street.  We had walked around already, but I hadn't bought anything.  It was very nice, because our hotel was right next to the market.  I could wander around all afternoon until they started closing down their shops.  It was a perfect way to end the Cape Town portion of the trip.

This is a picture looking towards Cape Town from Robbin Island. 

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