Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Tuesday, March 31st

I started the day attempting to go to Robbins Island.  It was an epic fail.  Apparently Robbins Island sells out the day before.  I purchased tickets for the next day and changed our plans.  We did an impromptu drive to the Simons Town and the Cape of Good Hope.  The drive to Simons Town proved excruciating.  I thought construction in the United States was bad.  South Africa road construction never actually ends.  We finally made it to Simons Town.  They have a board walk built to walk around the area with the penguins.  They have built nests for the penguins, and the penguins still build some of their own nests.  It was amazing to see the penguins in their natural environment.  Some were on the shore and hidden in the bushes.  Others were going in and out of the water.  I even saw one recently hatched baby.  The penguin would not let the baby out very far, so I never got a good picture, but the baby was so tiny and fluffy.  It was great to see how they naturally are, not in a zoo.  I could have stayed there all day and just watched the penguins.  Unfortunately, we had to leave to get to the Cape of Good Hope. We hiked up to the cape lighthouse.  The views were spectacular.  The ocean was very clear along the cape’s coastline.  I hiked for a short while around the cape.  Then I enjoyed a nice late lunch overlooking the cape.  The views are spectacular at the cape.  We even saw more baboons at the cape.  We then drove back to the city to call it a day.

If you look carefully you will see the baby. 

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