Saturday, January 24, 2015

3 days in!

Hello all! Just finished my third day here, and it feels like it has been over a week. Current updates: I got sun burnt on the first day, found two geckos in our house on the second day, and went to a braai that was hosted for us today. John, who has been the most amazing and helpful person ever, hosted a braai to officially welcome us to South Africa. He and his wife Emilie made us a delicious meal, and even sent us home with left overs. One of the biggest hurdles we have faced so far is technology. Wifi is not the same as in the states, or even as I experienced in Ireland this past summer. The government owns the internet here, so you pay by the gb of data for internet. So posting on my blog and using various apps to contact home have become difficult. Also, my classes online have become difficult. I will definitely post better stories later. I am committed to keep family and friends updated with posts and pictures. However, pictures are better than words so here are two beautiful scenes for you: 

This first picture is the view from my bedroom window. Also the view from our porch, where we get to sit and relax or eat meals. This view will be hard to leave. 
This picture is the view from John's back porch. One of the many reasons he will never leave South Africa..... And why would he?

I hope these pictures warm all you mid-westerners up!

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