Monday, January 26, 2015

Lions, a tiger, and cheetahs! Oh my!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

We started the day at John's church. Yes I went to church. You are welcome mother. Following church we went to the lion park! There were tortoises, chickens, ducks, rabbits, alpacas, spring bucks, one tiger that we could find, lions, one cheetah, and lion cubs! We had JUST missed the feeding for the animals. However, the lions were still eating. We payed 10 South African Rand (approximately $1) to sit in the cage and play with the cubs. We were not allowed to pick the cubs up. I was playing with one using the leaf, and the lady instructed me to not lift it above their heads to keep them from jumping. One younger boy got bit on the wrist by a cub before we went in. Amateur with cats, clearly. I enjoyed the cubs, however, the worker informed me we could not keep one. Disappointing. We do have plans to return to the lion park so we can interact with the cheetah. They feed on Sundays and Wednesdays, and are protective of their food and not safe to be with on feeding days. Our luck to visit on one of the off days. We then went to the boardwalk and sat and watched a group of young guys surfing the little waves. Please enjoy this hungry lion, playful cheetah, two adorable pictures of the cub I played with, and one of the surfers falling in a wave. (If you click on the pictures, they will get larger)

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