Monday, March 9, 2015

American Friends and Good Music

This weekend Emily and I made our way back to Port Elizabeth.  We left Thursday afternoon via Greyhound bus and arrived to our hostel late that night. Friday we walked 4.5 miles down to the boardwalk. We have the blisters on our feet to prove it! We FINALLY ate some sushi! We spent two hours at John Dory's eating sushi, calamari, and mussels. We considered moving into the restaurant , but decided to walk to the beach.  We took a nap in the grass, walked through the boardwalk shops, enjoyed a couple of drinks, and headed back for our hostel. We walked to the markets to buy something I spotted earlier, and caught a taxi for the rest of the way back.  We got ready for the night and prepared to return to the boardwalk.  A young German guy joined us for the night out.  We walked around the boardwalk trying to find Sam, and decided to give up and go to Barney's.  Then, WE FOUND SAM!! She was sitting at the bar at Barney's.  We spent the night there enjoying drinks and sharing stories. It was so great to see an American friend again. We then parted ways and said we would see each other again the next night.

On Saturday, Emily an I went to the first ALGOA Live Music Festival.  We fell in love with the first artist, Stuart Reece Band. We both really hope that he comes to the United States!  The rest of the festival was good as well.  We spent the day in the sun, drinking some good South African beer, and relaxing to good music. That night we went for more sushi for dinner. We ate at a fun sushi bar close to our hostel. We then tried to head out for the festival's after party and meet up with Sam again. However, no cabs would answer our calls, the exhaustion got to us, and we fell asleep. I woke up, but no cabs would answer me still. Sam also had trouble getting to the club we planned on going. It was a frustrating evening; I stayed up past 4 in the morning trying to connect to Sam without luck.

Sunday morning we had to catch the bus after 6 am. We sat in the bus station eating our leftover sushi waiting for the bus to arrive. Definitely a good weekend when I get to experience a South African musical festival, eat tons of sushi, and see a friend from home.

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