Monday, March 23, 2015

Sunday Funday

We had quite the day on Sunday.  We woke up early and went to Inkwenkwezi Private Game Reserve.  Emily and I rode elephants from their elephant sanctuary. My elephant was 17 years old; Emily's elephant was 13 years old. We took an hour ride through part of the reserve. During the ride the guides told us tons of elephant facts. Following the elephant ride, we played with the cheetahs.  Since the cheetahs have grown up at the game reserve, they are very tame and love attention. They had three cheetahs on the reserve, and are planning on releasing them into the wild in the next year. We finished the day by returning to Mpongo Private Game Reserve. We ate from their brunch buffet and watched them feed the two hippos. Sadly, while we were at Mpongo, one of the lion cubs got caught in the electric fence. They got the cub out, but the cub was in serious shock. When we left the cub was still in the office resting. It was very sad to see; the cub was very young. Now I am busy planning the Cape Town Trip that will begin Friday!

This picture is from the elephant ride through Inkwenwezi. 

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