Saturday, March 21, 2015


Thursday was a big day for the agency I am working at here.  They hosted their second Masikhanye Women's Solidarity Conference.  Once a week approximately 80 women show up to CATCH to receive training on a variety of issues (domestic violence, HIV & Aids, etc).  The women also receive a free lunch and a parcel with food and drinks.  Two women (one leader, one assistant) then take the parcel and host a training in their homes.  They train ten or more women from their home cells.  Masikhanye reaches over 400 community women.  This was the second year they invited all of the women to come to one place and celebrate and learn together.  The event was held at a local church in Gonubie.  There was plenty of singing, dancing, and celebrations.  There was were also speakers and representatives from influential places in the community including CMR (a social service agency), the police, and the Victim Empowerment Program (VEP).  Over 300 community women showed up in traditional South African clothing.  The theme this year was domestic violence and violence against children.  The program was very powerful, and the women had an amazing time celebrating what they have accomplished with each other through Masikhanye.

Friday night Emily and I went to my co-worker, Lisa's house for dinner.  She hosted a brai for us.  We had great food and met some more amazing people.  I am still grateful for all of the hospitality that has come from the people we have been blessed to meet on this journey.

This picture is a co-worker from CATCH having dots painted on her face at the solidarity conference.

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