Monday, March 2, 2015

Slacking and Adventuring

It's been two weeks since I've updated (OOOOOPS!). 

I've been busy at my placement during the week days. I'm here early morning to late afternoon when the children eat and head home. I enjoy it a lot and it keeps me busy. That means that the time is going by really fast now. The last two weeks have been a flash. 

Friday, February 20th: Spent the day doing office work and homework. I spent Friday night trapping mice. We've known we had some, but finally set a trap. We caught 3 in one trap within 45 minutes. We then caught another one in the same trap within another hour. We now have poison pellets in the storage room upstairs and three traps. We have seen a couple since we have placed the poison and traps, but have failed to catch anymore. 

Saturday, February 21st: Chris had to work all day Saturday. Emily and I were exhausted from staying up with the mouse traps, and I simply could not sleep as they were in and out of my room all Friday night. We decided to still partake in a hike to Bat's Cave at Nahoon Beach. We had a lot of fun. It was a cloudy day which worked best. I only had my long lens on my camera, so I did not get the best pictures, but I will post some of Emily's on my Facebook eventually.  Along the walk, I went down along the water's edge while Emily took the bags and hiked with the other group at the top of the rocks. I got SOAKED. By a couple big waves. I also held a little octopus one of the others found in one of the pools in the rock. The cave was breathtaking and worth going, even while sleep deprived. This is one picture I managed to get with my long lens of the group that was behind me, showing part of the rock. 

Sunday, February 22nd: Due to all of us being exhausted, we spent the day at Nahoon Beach. We laid out, ate fruit, drank wine, and relaxed. A much needed day of relaxation. 

Friday, February 27th: John, Chris, Emily and I left early Friday morning. We spent the day at Addo Elephant National Park. And guess what? We FINALLY saw some elephants! Tons of them! They got almost within reach a couple times. It was a great day, and we saw a lot of animals. Emily and I particularly loved all of the warthogs we saw. We were also not the only ones calling them all Pumba. Lion King has forever branded that name to warthogs. We then had a lovely evening at the Orange Elephant Backpackers. Hard to pick one picture to post, but I really enjoy these two lovey dovey elephants :)

Saturday, February 28th: We left Addo early to go to Tsitsikamma. Emily and I bungy jumped from "the worlds highest bridge bungy". 216 meters. It was an amazing adrenaline rush. We then went ziplining through the trees. We made an impromptu overnight stay in Jeffery's Bay with John's friends due to our longer than expected day. They hosted a delicious braai and we enjoyed the evening with their lovely 5 children and listened to their stories about living in China and California! It was amazing to hear their stories! Obviously I must post my bungy picture :) 

Sunday, March 1st: Being Jeffery's Bay is a surf mecca, we went to the surf shop outlets in the morning, walked along the beach, and finally headed back for home. We had a long and late lunch in Port Elizabeth. Emily, Chris, and I all enjoyed some GREAT fresh yellowtail at a pub. We then got back on the road and finally arrived back home after dark.

Monday, March 2nd: Sadly I have to report the slow, but expected death of my laptop. It's being looked at by the most highly recommended laptop technicians in East London, but they think it is the mother board which they say is not worth replacing. Most likely I will have to buy an entry level computer to last me through this trip for my studies. I dropped it off this morning, but am expected to hear the official bad news by end of the business day today. My computer issues have been a partial reason to my lack of posting, it has been immobile for about a week now, but even becoming a desktop dweller at the house didn't last. :'( I thought the old clunker would get me through until I finished the semster, looks like I will have to spend that money sooner than I thought. 

We have fun things planned for this weekend again! Stay tuned! 

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