Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Sniffles and Sushi

Surprise! I am sick. Typical cold and flu symptoms. Even escaping the Midwest winter can't keep the sickness away from me. However, I will not let this deter me from enjoying my time. I would much rather be sick here in South Africa than sick in Minnesota. Last week we went out for half off sushi and wine and John Dory's with CJ and Lisa, coworkers at CATCH. Then Lisa and her family took Emily and I out Friday night to a nice place in Beacon Bay for dinner and drinks. We met up with CJ and Jason and some other frinds of Lisa's. I stayed up Friday night until 3:30 Saturday morning on FaceTime with my mom. She is in South Carolina with family to celebrate her birthday. It was great to get to see and talk to all of them as well. Saturday was rainy and cloudy, so I caught up on sleep. Then Sunday, Emily and I spent all day at the beach. We had a nice lunch at a cafe and had some much needed beach time. Tonight we plan on eating some more delicious half off sushi and drinking half off wine at one of our favorite places, John Dory's. All of you Midwesterns can rest easy in your Netflix induced commas recovering from spring break knowing that even in South Africa I can catch the cold and flu.  

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