Saturday, March 28, 2015

Ups and downs

Yesterday morning, Chris and I left for Cape Town. We rented a car and drove to Mossel Bay. We made a pit stop in Port Elizabeth for a GREAT seafood lunch at Ocean Basket. We then made it to Mossel Bay around 6:30 P.M. We stayed at Santos Express Train Lodge. It's a train that's converted into a backpackers lodge now! Every room had a view of the ocean. It was very quaint and cute. Then this morning, I went skydiving! It was very exhilarating, and I would deffintely do it again! I jumped from 10,000 feet and even did summer saults. I have he video and will load poctures later. We then headed out for Cape Town. What I thought was nerves this morning before skydiving, turned into serious sickness on the four hour drive to Cape Town. It took everything in me not to get sick. We arrived to Cape Town about 4:30 and I was white as a sheet. I really just wanted to sleep. We got to the hostel I had booked, and it was everything the movies portrayed: terrible neighborhood, sketchy rooms, gave you the creeps. We decided to leave and find the closest hotel. I was doing everything I could to hold it together. We finally found a Holiday Inn Express, and decided the extra money was well worth it. I've since been cooped up for he night in the hotel room. After puking and napping, I was able to consume some bread and soup broth. I'm now rehydrating myself. The front desk lady says she has heard people say there is bad water in Mossel Bay, and to make sure I keep hydrated now. She is going to send me to a chemist if I still feel sick tomorrow. I feel much better, however, but very thankful for her help! I will no longer be drinking water that I don't know is safe! Now it is time for a much needed good night of sleep before embarking on Cape Town tomorrow! Staying at the hotel does make this feel like more of a vacation! 

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